Debt quote

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Susan Roesgen: Poster Girl for Unethical Journalism

Susan Roesgen is a "reporter" for CNN. With all due respect, that are "R" word in quotation marks. It is a symbol of how so many in the mainstream media have lost far away from any appearance of ethical and professional journalism. The majority of Americans who took the time and made the effort to peacefully protest their displeasure with the massive debt collecting their government is not a "right-wing nutbars" as Roesgen and her colleagues would have you believe. Stillshe could not restrain their personal disdain for all of them, including the man she began to "interview" but then stopped abruptly, as he said, not in accordance with their own political views are. What kind of REAL journalist would do that? The United States of America was by citizens like you see here, founded in Chicago, angry at an inexplicable, insensitive government had become deaf, that had their very legitimate concerns. History repeating itself? Make no mistake,These people are angry at both political parties and politicians in. This is not so much a protest against Barack Obama, as it is against the irresponsibility of the government as a whole. As a thought experiment, imagine, Susan Roesgen transported back to 1776, her microphone shoved in the faces of the citizens of the original colones, and asked her why she was outrageous. Then, if not always the answer that she seeks is pulling away, and shouted: "What we want to protest? The King...

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Monday, September 13, 2010

USO - death by contango - (Part 2)

Related Links .... USO vs. DBO - note the times from / to performance, usually on the condition of contango. contango backwardation vs explained. NYMEX Crude Oil Futures cited oil Seasonals - Article contain graphic. Frontline Tankers Homepage transcript of the video (two parts) follows ....... Part 2 .............. If oil prices collapse, but begins to sound for a floor thatwill often only show up in the futures contracts, usually for the summer. It may be surprising to find some people that the seasonal low high for oil prices around Jan / Feb, and the seasonality is often in the August / September, but it is. Therefore, the summer months in advance often get money when the dealer that falling oil prices reach a bottom speculate. It does not mean they are right, only that it received a lot of activity around the potential peak before the other months in the campaign.Right now, this has created a steep contango. So steep that, as you probably already have tankers were hired to thousands of dollars per day to oil by selling futures contracts at higher prices and lock in a guaranteed profit, as are all costs and revenues known in advance to be stored covered. Oil at $ 35 immediately, store it for three months for, say, $ 3 per barrel, and sell futures contracts for someone to come in three months for, say, $ 42 to buy. 10% holding plus for a three-month and aguaranteed ...

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Debt Consolidation Versus Bankruptcy - Which is a Better Way to Get Out of Debt?

Of all the different ways you can use that to get out of debt, debt consolidation and bankruptcy procedures are what most people are familiar with the. There are debt settlement but that's for another article. learn in this article, you choose between using debt to debt consolidation or bankruptcy to pay off your.

The biggest problem with bankruptcy is that not everyone on the best form of insolvency, which is considered in Chapter 7. Chapter 7 includes fullHandling of your debts. You do not have to pay back your outstanding balances with Chapter 7 If you want to speak to a lawyer, and you can qualify for Chapter 7 and you have no other option as this would be the right way.

On the other hand, if you can not qualify for Chapter 7 and you are obliged to Chapter 13 bankruptcy then you should really think twice. The benefits of Chapter 13 are much smaller. Your debts are not discharged. You have to repay back to a certainShare with a payment plan that can be up to five years or more. Plus your credit is ruined for at least 70-10 years. And it is a matter of public interest.

Debt consolidation allows you to consolidate all your average outstanding unsecured debt into a low monthly payment you can afford and debt free in 3-4 years. Your success depends on your ability to depend on with your monthly payment arrangement. If you fall short of our creditAccounts from your credit card companies encourage you to seek a debt management plan or credit counseling. You do not want to go bankrupt more than you.

Between bankruptcy and debt consolidation, debt consolidation, the lesser of two evils. The impact on your credit negatively, but not as long as bankruptcy. Bankruptcy debt consolidation can cost you less in fees. And it's not a matter of public interest.I hope this has helped clarify which debt solution will help you get out of debt.

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