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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Alex Jones - Copenhagen Initiates World Govt Framework Despite Fallout Over Science Fraud. help those VIRAL VIDEO! SEND important message to all your friends. Alex Jones breaks the conclusion of the Copenhagen Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the basis for a new era of global governance - as quoted directly from the mouth of Al Gore, UN chief Ban Ki-moon and documented banker heir David de Rothschild. Although the new taxes were levied and mechanisms of regulation have been set for the world, climate changeAgenda has taken a lot of political damage. The beginnings of Climategate with East Anglia CRU email leaks were only the beginning of a chain of revelations, the anger, doubt, denial and speculation fueled worldwide. Obstructed or fudged data have been identified by research centers in Russia, New Zealand, Australia and beyond. Moreover, many leaders of third world countries will have to reveal the "Danish text Leak burden" to lesser-developed countries with angergreater emission reductions and plans for a proposed 100 billion U.S. dollars rise in 'green' debt system. George Soros has changed in the middle of what would be criticized as a "climate colonialism and prove fatal at-risk for the population of hunger in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, especially to be. Already, ethanol is growing in the place of food for millions responsibility of deaths in the least developed countries made. Alex also breaks down after revelations about emissions trading and other green schemes. It isNot only players like Al Gore, George Soros and the Rothschilds, are the one killing. President Barack Obama - with a huge conflict of interest - was a founding member investment partner in the Chicago Climate Exchange in addition to Maurice Strong, a top Rockefeller agent and leading climate change schemers. Chicago Climate Exchange is written into the architecture of many of the proposals for alternative energy credits, carbon derivatives and other "green" financial products and stands to enrich theirMembership. At the end of the forced step by step "towards total world government, with complete dominance over money, debt payment, food, power and resources, an award in the exposure at COP15. Many politicians, journalists and people in general, are now well known that is a scam they have been pushed down - and both their freedom and sovereignty are certainly at stake.
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