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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Horse...My Love... My Life.

This horse is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her more than the world and trust her more than anything else. She has had a very hard life, and I only wish they can understand that all owners be so cruel as that of their past Arent. I can quite openly admit that I am spoiled, but she is not taking the Mick! I half of their own with a good friend, who saved them and I am forever in their debt to bring it in my life. Petra is a treasure that they can be very cheeky, but I dont mind as long as theycan be expressed openly. In fact, I find it quite amusing when she tells me off, by shaking his head at me and if they really want something they will do the head shake to be and to do stamp their feet as they demonstrated the other day if they wanted to in the be stable for the night, they planted their feet, shook his head at me and stomped his feet, when I asked her to walk. Typical mare! Mine and Petras based relationship based on trust and understanding, I try to ask her and tell her not to dosomething, it tends to cramp if it is somewhat uncertain, so I try to it as much confidence as I can give. she is so much more relaxed now and I want it so, ask if she tenses I for something else, that they simply fixed, and try to keep the original request on a different day. i dont think to force an animal to preform when she doesn't want to extend, for example, I ask for something else and it is more likely if she realizes I am not going to force you to do something. It hastaught ...

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