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Friday, May 7, 2010
Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Govt framework despite fallout over science fraud HELP MAKE THIS VIDEO VIRAL!! SEND THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance-- as evidenced by quotes directly from the mouths of Al Gore, UN Head Ban Ki-Moon and bankster heir David de Rothschild. Though new taxes have been levied and mechanisms for world regulation have been layed down, the Climate Change agenda has taken a lot of political damage. The beginnings of Climategate with the East Anglia CRU email leaks were just the beginning of a chain reaction of revelations that has fueled anger, doubt, denial and speculation worldwide. Compromised or fudged data have been identified from research centers in Russia, New Zealand, Australia and beyond. Further, many leaders from Third World nations became angered at the 'Danish text leak' revealing plans to burden lesser-developed nations with greater emissions cuts and plans to levy a proposed $100 Billion in 'green' debt system. George Soros has proved to be at the center of what has been critiqued as 'Climate Colonialism' and would prove deadly to at-risk for starvation populations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, in particular. Already, growing ethanol in the place of food has been blamed for millions of deaths in the LDCs. Alex also breaks down revelations about the carbon trading and other green schemes. It's not ...
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