Debt quote

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Glenn Beck This Is How Conspiracy Theories Are Born

11:09 conspiracy unmasked - FEMA Camps Debunked - 11:09 Debunking conspiracy theories and myths Controlled Demolition Discover the networks - is Here's one thing: If the media completely ignored the biggest fraud in history, conspiracy theories are born. They have told us about the two middle-aged guys with Japanese passports who were stopped by the Italian police after trying to Switzerland with ENTER$ 134,000,000,000 worth of U.S. Treasury bonds. This broke the first June. Since then, the under-reporting and misreporting of the story is, the Bohemian Grove-type lick lot of their chops, and they are probably already registered URLs for their next conspiracy website. Under-reporting means that no facts. No evidence means there will be speculation. And speculation ends looks like - from a Bloomberg columnist: "If these would-be smugglers agent Kim Jong-Il of North Korea stashing cash in a SwissVault? Bagmen Internet for Nigerian scam? Was the money for terrorists looking to buy nuclear warheads meant? Is Japan secretly dumping its dollars? "So we know the issues. But what are the facts? There are not many, but reported at least 10 reliable news sources, that the ties are forged. Our Bureau of Public Debt, it proposes false self and here is the quote from the Ministry of Finance: "based on the image we've seen over the Internet, the securities crude forgeries." The Internet? is possible that the...

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