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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Naomi Klein ... on Appointments
Naomi Klein, journalist and author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. - The appointment of Timothy Geithnerand Larry Summers ... There is a deep disappointment. And it is really a very safe choice, but you forget that Barack Obama won that election, saying that under the status quo, that staying with the same guidelines, for the country in the recent past, was actually a very dangerous course. And I think in many ways, we arepay the price-the honest, the intellectual dishonesty of the progressive liberal left during the Bush years, because Obama said over and over again during the campaign that the crisis on Wall Street, the result represented an ideology of deregulation and laissez- faire, trickle down economics, that the country had the lead for the last eight years. And the truth is, as we all know, Amy, that it wasn't just eight years in which this policy is guided U.S. economic policy. They certainlybrought them under Reagan, and they certainly brought them under Clinton. And that's where Larry Summers is because Larry Summers was the last of the Treasury under Clinton. And he, along with Alan Greenspan and Robert Rubin, really were the main architects of the policies of deregulation, the crisis that we now live to be created. And the key policy areas, as you know, the killing of Glass-Steagall that allowed a number of very large bank mergers that created these institutions...
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